Sunday, August 11, 2019

Business Decision Malkng Projects, Part 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Decision Malkng Projects, Part 3 - Essay Example ft. in size. Thehomesaveragedthreebedroomsandtwobathswhile 30% of thehomeshave a pool. Of the 30 homes, 70% had a garageandtheaveragedistance from thecitycenter is 15 miles(Simon, 1979). There are manyadvantagesandopportunities in businessownershipthat may includeFlexibility, freedom, being your boss, andcontrol to create your future. Lack of self-discipline, however, createschances of businessfailure. Datainformationhavingbeenobtained from varioussourcesgaveinsight to thecurrenthappenings in thebusinessworld. Thechoice of opening a franchise is a significantbusinessdecision, andmanyrisks can be laid to restif there is sufficient data analyzed to makesurethechoice is going to be successfulandprofitable(Cooper & Schindler, 2003). Knowledge of commercialrealestateandfinancemarkettrendshelps Century 21 to establish its franchiseandto preparefor long-term survivability and profitability. After validating and analyzing the housing statistics and confirming the reliability, starting a new franchise in the identified new community is the final step to be

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